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It is time for action. Become a Member!

We are a community of Australians from all walks of life who what to make mental health and wellbeing a national priority for governments, business - everyone!

Whether you've had your own experiences of mental health challenges, have loved for someone who has, or both -- by joining you are deciding to belong to a community of people from across Australia who are not satisfied with the way things are for mental health right now, and want to make a difference.

We are fighting for the changes that will make a meaningful difference to the mental health and wellbeing of us all.

Whether it is a policy reform at the federal government level, or something that will make a big difference to your local community, we believe change happens through people power: working together and speaking up together for the improvements that matter in our lives.

You can choose how much or how little you want to be involved. Some people are happy just to be on the mailing list, whilst others might want to get involved in a campaign (or start one!), or even help us raise the funds we need to have a real impact.

Whatever you decide to do, thanks for deciding to make a difference to Australia's mental health!

Who's joining
Jessica Life without barriers
Lincoln Briffa
Jennifer Cromarty
Nancy Bush
Jeff Faint
Nicholas Malaxos
Chris Gambian
Chris Gambian
Sarah Oulie
Sarah Oulie
Georgia South
Nancy Bush
Seiji Humphries
Nancy Bush
Cassandra Ngurah
Elaine Carbines
Savanna Peake
Chris Lampropoulos
Susanne Thwaites
Amanda Sorenson
Chris Gambian
Kylie Griffin
Kylie Griffin
John Ryan
Naomi Boddison-gray
Karen Jones
Carol-Ann Cuffe
Heather Chesterman
Evan Moorhead