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Mental Health Monitor

Australian for Mental Health's National Mental Health Monitor is a compass that helps us to understand the ever-evolving landscape of mental well-being in Australia. 

By taking this regular pulse of the prevalence and patterns of mental health issues we aim to reduce stigma, empower individuals to seek help, and tailor our efforts and support for lasting impact. 

Click the below links to read the full monitor results

Our most recent mental health monitor, conducted in March 2024, shows an increase in the number of people reporting their mental health as “poor” or “very poor” from 33.7% in November last year to 40%.

This month’s focus question revealed Australians do not consider mental health a priority for politicians with only 27.4% of people saying they agree with the statement ‘My local member of parliament cares about mental health.’

Work pressures are again the most significant factor that is the source of pressure on people’s mental health.

The top factors mentioned in the survey were:

  • Work
  • Family
  • Money
  • Finances
  • Cost of living pressures
  • Physical health

These are exactly the same, and in exactly the same order, as November’s responses. 

There has been a decrease in the amount of people who feel they have enough connection in their lives and more people reporting that they feel lonely. 

  • “Yes” answer to this question is 65.3% (compared to 69% in November 2023)
  • “No” answer to this question is 34.7% (compared to 31% in November 2023)


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