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Virtual Town Hall to explore candidates’ stance on mental health ahead of Tasmanian state election

Next week, candidates from the state’s major political parties will be given a chance to explain their mental health policies in the leadup to the state election. 

Organised by Australians for Mental Health and partnered with the Mental Health Council of Tasmania and Unions Tasmania the virtual town hall event will give members of the public an opportunity to pose questions to the candidates.  

“Mental health is an issue that touches every Australian family,” Australians for Mental Health Executive Director, Chris Gambian, said.  

“By hosting this event we are giving voters the opportunity to hear how the major parties will approach and act on mental health in the Tasmanian community.” 

The panel for the town hall event will also include representatives from partner organisations as well as individuals with lived experience of mental health issues.  

“This event is a big step from the major parties in recognising the need for action around mental health,” Gambian said. 

“That means not only treatment, but for Governments to consider what they can do to positively change population mental health, and how they are accountable for the things they might do which can harm mental health.”  

Media will be welcome to attend the event as audience members, but they won’t be able to ask questions at the event itself. You can register at 

Voters have been asked to submit their questions ahead of the event at [email protected] 

Chris Gambian is available for interview. 

Media contact: Simon Black on 0420 488 219 or at [email protected] 

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